

It's in those moments that I look at the van, with all the car seats installed..or filled... that I think "Yikes, we've got a lot of little people." Yesterday I found myself in another situation that reminded me again.

We went to the mall. We needed to exchange something and I needed a trip out of the house that wasn't to the Pedia. Plus, I've heard some women get a present after having a baby and I totally earned something good. Once we got in the store I caught a reflection of this...
Yikes, I've got a lot of little people...and that oxygen tank doesn't really help diminish the parade-ish feeling of going anywhere with everyone. I love it.


Digestive Systems

With school fast approaching Grace is very excited to teach. Anyone. Today it was whoever would listen, at the Mall, about the digestive system. After seeing her go through the following path with several kids, I asked her what she was doing.

 "I'm teaching kids about digestion. I learned from Sid {The Science Kid}. First you eat. Then it goes to your stomach.....{if you want the full lesson click here}." She was sure to add that "it poops you out." and "If you are going to take a picture and tell your friends make sure you get a picture of that." 

 I should be proud right? She understands the digestive system. It completely normal to glorify the poop part when you are entering 3rd grade...right?


Case in Point

Remember that 4 hr, 2 bags of sugar water L&D visit in June?
Total charge for all that jazz, 1523.18. Amount due for uninsured, 624.50.

You need a hearing test to graduate NICU. I remember James had to have it done twice. I remember insurance (BCBS) not covering the second test and we paying right around $400. Since Grant got out fast they just scheduled the test for next week at Timp. They called Rich & quoted him a couple of hundred. He forwarded them to me. They quoted me $75 and I had reservations about doing it as Grant responds when I talk to him. I understand the use of oxygen could have an effect on his hearing but I really see no signs of it. They then offer it for $54. I know there is a chance so for $50, let's do it.

Today Mr Grant had cosmetic surgery on his man parts (aka circumcision...NICU boys have to have it done at the Pedia). How much is that? It's $260. Oh you're paying for it? It's $200 and if you pay today it is$154.

What a freakin racket. I can't wait for the NICU bills. Come what may...


NICU Sunday

Sunday morning Grant got off oxygen at 9:30am and is still off... I'm not getting my hopes up or anything. We're just playing it cool. Ok, I lie. I am pretending to play it cool. We are almost a quarter into blowing that popsicle stand. But like I said, we're playing it cool.
We went up as a family to visit him.
Grandma went with us and
then Kelly came at the next feeding and gave me a ride home. Kelly was lucky enough to receive his first projectile spit up. That 1 mil had to have gone a good seven inches before landing on her hand. I'm glad she could be a part of such a important milestone...I don't know if she was so much.

And something for Gma/pa Brossette about the boys new spenders. They love them. I do too.


Day 5: Why

I've only really been in contact with family and facebook but I am a little nervous about church tomorrow. Grace's assistant teacher from Kindergarden saw me Friday at the school and asked, and I thought I'd be just fine, but the lump in my chest, came up my throat, and was doing everything it could to come out my eyes. Big deal. I cry.

Why is Grant still in the NICU?
When he sleeps his oxygen saturation drops, most babies readjust or take a deep breath, he does not. He just breaths shallower and shallower until his alarm goes off. He has to out grow that to come home. They are testing him. They take him off oxygen and see how long he can sustain himself on room air. If he drops below 90 and stays and does nothing; like move, breath deep, etc, it proves he still needs the oxygen. We are past the point of needing it around the clock. He's gotten to the point that he can sustain himself while sleeping, just not all the time.

He gets one test every nurse shift (7a-7p or 7p-7a) that he can prove he is ready to try. I love the nurse I had today (twice now). She's very informative and very aggressive on keeping that line between helping him with O2 and making him work to progress very fine. The first time was 1.5 hrs. Today he made it 5 hrs before needing help. They put him on the lowest amount of oxygen needed so that he does not become dependent on it and balance that with not letting him get so low that he wears out and needs more than the minimum. We'll get there. Probably not in the next day or two but next week is highly likely. On top of that, since he takes two steps forward and one step back, they want a 48 hr perfect record to let him take his car seat test (2 hr buckled in perfect O2 for him).

So, that's why.

In happier news, the nurses call him a bottomless pit. Who wouldn't be happy that their son can out eat everyone in the NICU (including what a set of twins can down per day)?

Why I blog.