
High Maintenance

I am afraid of how much maintenance she's going to be in 10 years. 
(She chose to have foam rollers all day)


DeCrescenzo Family Blog said...

Man, she is beautiful, and you have big, big trouble in your future. :)

Melanie said...

Cute! I remember wearing those foam rollers to bed when I was little.

abbybrossette said...

She can always come stay with me!

Ninny said...

She is amazingly cute! Does your dh have a gun? He'll need it to chase away all the boys in a few years! I love the contrast of the green shirt with her hair!

Jamie said...

She looks absolutely adorable! I love the little attitude face in the second picture.

Rebecca said...

Wow is she cute!!

Helen said...

She's gorgeous! Boy will you have your hands full in a few years... (not that you don't already!)

Katie said...

She is just a cutie! Love the hair!

Jill Freestone said...

that attitude is the best part - so kate - can't wait to see how she is older - lots of fun!

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