
Case in Point

Remember that 4 hr, 2 bags of sugar water L&D visit in June?
Total charge for all that jazz, 1523.18. Amount due for uninsured, 624.50.

You need a hearing test to graduate NICU. I remember James had to have it done twice. I remember insurance (BCBS) not covering the second test and we paying right around $400. Since Grant got out fast they just scheduled the test for next week at Timp. They called Rich & quoted him a couple of hundred. He forwarded them to me. They quoted me $75 and I had reservations about doing it as Grant responds when I talk to him. I understand the use of oxygen could have an effect on his hearing but I really see no signs of it. They then offer it for $54. I know there is a chance so for $50, let's do it.

Today Mr Grant had cosmetic surgery on his man parts (aka circumcision...NICU boys have to have it done at the Pedia). How much is that? It's $260. Oh you're paying for it? It's $200 and if you pay today it is$154.

What a freakin racket. I can't wait for the NICU bills. Come what may...


Marissa said...

It's like a freakin' auction!!!

Ina said...

I've always said it is not helthcare that needs reformed but helth insurance. Next time I think I will try talking them down. What a joke!

JAMIE said...

wow, you have mad negotiating skills, woman!

Marissa said...

Nice! If you don't get the quote you want just keep calling until you get someone to quote you what you want. :-)

Why I blog.