
Guess where we are?

I'll give you a hint. The give IVs, mauve tubs of personal items, and O2 tubes.
{PS: it's not ironic or funny yet}
We are back at Timp, although in a different room with the same monitors, same oxygen tubes, same dumb IV, different boy.

Miles started puffing/spitting out breaths this evening so we headed to the after hours Pedia and after a nebulizer treatment and O2 monitoring, he thought it best to send us to the hospital. Miles has his IV, had his boogers sucked out, x rays and is now sleeping.


Angel said...

Oh No! Hope he gets better soon and no more hospital time for you for quite a few more months.

Marissa said...

Ugh! I am so sorry. Prayers your way. Hospitals are just not the most comfortable places and you really shouldn't have to have a full months of blog posts on hospitals stays either. ((HUGS))

Marissa said...

Oh, Libby!!! I am so sorry you are back in the hospital. I hope they are taking care of you, too. Pregnant mommies shouldn't be spending days on end there.

Unknown said...

Good luck! We were in the hospital last night for the same reasons but made it out within about 24 hours of when we went in. Crossing my fingers we don't have to go back . . .

Kimberly T. said...

Oh, I'm sorry! Prayers that it's a MUCH shorter stay this time.

Elizabeth said...

Im a lurker and I love your blog. I so sorry your children are sick! Hospital visits are very scary for everyone.
I wish your boy a very speedy recovery.

Why I blog.