
1st Grade Presentation

Kate was the cutest Black Widow at school.

On a sad note the videos come complete with too much back light, some lady that won't be still, inability to zoom in, and a shaky camera. It's magical. Plus, I have no idea what these songs are called, so I am making them up.
 Yes Master
Aye Aye
Chicky Chicky Waa Waa 

Grant thought the whole event was spectacular!


For Tony

We have a trail near our house that is almost done. We tested it out last Sunday. Our angelic six year old, who doesn't love BYU, saw a "Y" flag in someone's backyard (that backs up to the trail) and was appalled. Where does she get this anti angst? Probably Uncle Tony.

And that sailor mouth for a six year old. Eek. We do not approve of that language or attitude. It's not funny. She can keep those thoughts to herself. Unless she's gone to bed... and doesn't know Dad was filming... and Mom posts it. Then it's funny.


Grant Danger Lewis

I realize it's not Grant's blog but whatever. Mr. Granty is 2. {like 26 months, so barely two} This scares me to death. He's not even tall as the handle bars. I thought the Grandma's would appreciate an adrenalin rush. :) Enjoy.


Why taking the last 5 minutes...

Why taking the last 5 minutes of a phone call, outside where it's quiet, is a bad idea...

just in case that skippy on orange is not clear enough for you... not to mention the undocumented computer desk and keyboard look worse than his hands. {ps: How'd you flip your shirt little man? That's a new skill.}
This could also be a lesson as to why we clean out our backpack and lunch bag after school, then HANG it in our cubby AND shut the door.


Brossettelewis WrestleMania

 "Dad, if we clean up all the toys in the playroom will you wrestle us?"

Two hours later and 15 minutes before bedtime...


Gt's Car

Somebody keeps telling us we don't blog enough. It's pretty boring around here. Albeit, boring is good. Do they want blogs of our spelling lists? Homework time? We could have taken pictures of the school carnival and Running Club, I promise I will at the next Running Club. Honestly, Kate's choice in running clothes was blog worthy. I was busy PTAing for the other 100 kids but next Friday I'll be a better mommy blogger. For now, here's Grant trying to pick out a car.

Why I blog.