

It's in those moments that I look at the van, with all the car seats installed..or filled... that I think "Yikes, we've got a lot of little people." Yesterday I found myself in another situation that reminded me again.

We went to the mall. We needed to exchange something and I needed a trip out of the house that wasn't to the Pedia. Plus, I've heard some women get a present after having a baby and I totally earned something good. Once we got in the store I caught a reflection of this...
Yikes, I've got a lot of little people...and that oxygen tank doesn't really help diminish the parade-ish feeling of going anywhere with everyone. I love it.


Marissa said...

I love the picture!!! It is so perfect!

Marissa said...

I love the picture!!! It is so perfect!

Cristy said...

Best picture ever! Love it. Yes, it's alot of little people but this to shall pass....I hope so!!

Kelly said...

FREAK SHOW!!! (And, Manda says your boobs aren't quite to your knees yet.)

Brossettelewis said...

Those are the bottom of my shorts not my boobs, igit.

Marissa said...

ROFL about your boobs at your knees!
I know what you mean about looking in the rear view to a full van of little people. I am just wondering how you fit all those car seats in your van. I know it seats 8 but car seats and boosters don't give any extra room. How to you do it?

Jill Freestone said...

awesome pic!! love it!!

Janet said...

I'm glad to see you're wearing black and khaki :)

Brossettelewis said...

Janet, what else would I wear? :)

Marissa, it was months of thinking about it. Who could help who? Who would fight with who? What base would allow for a raised or wide neighboring base? Scoot chairs together or not? Who can buckle themselves...better yet unbuckle? Where does Grant need to be for easiest access? It brought back horrible memories of learning how to work if/then statements for Excel.

What? I over think things? No?

But since you asked. J, K, M across the back. They all now can do their own 5 point buckles. One is a raised chair and gives Kate hand room to buckle.

G & G in the middle row. Grant behind the driver, Grace leans to assist.

Why I blog.