
Give me some freakin amoxicillin!

I'll spare all gory details (just the highlights) but I was inches from this.

I just need some freakin' amoxicillin for my baby! She has double ear infections. I checked the black market and there's not really a demand. The stars aligned for us yet again at the pedia.... we needed a Rx, in an effort to 'be efficient' I had Lady call it in so we wouldn't have to hang out at WalMart, she forgot to leave what doctor she was with. I blame this completely on lack of experience and have mental images of her relaxed at home, carefree... {it's my mental image, back off}. So, when we get to the pharmacy at 4:50 the pedia is gone for the day and I have no Rx paper. (Thurs is their day off) I spend the next hour with all four moaning or crying and on the phone with Dr Whoeversoncall's Lady and/or hold, Rich, and eventually my sister to get his home number; of which I gave to the PharmTech at WalMart and watched her talk to someone. Yes I cashed in the sacred "your my sister's BFFs daddy". 

 I finally convince her that MY daughter is being treated as the red headed step patient and I'm not going to quit regurgitating my plight until the doctor approves my baby's script. An hour and twenty later, and a emergency "Mom I've got poops" from Katie,  I have drugs in hand, made friends with Lady PharmTech, and am taking my toys and going home. Anyone know a great pedia, with even greater office staff, looking for a rockstar set of twins and two adorable sisters?   


TTTS Maternal Fetal Medicine Media Event

Today's story in the Tribune. This was done before the press conference and was in today's paper. We attended the press conference and were interviewed by ABC42News, Fox13, & KSL 5, SL Tribune, Deseret News, & Healthy Utah Magazine. We should be on tonight ABC at 5pm MST or KSL 5 at 6pm and most all of these have internet feed. 

I'll try to link them all.
Let's clarify here!... “It worked. I'd do it all over,” said Libby... The question asked was " Knowing what you know now and have your twins with you, would you (in reference to amniotic reductions and the septostomy) go through it again? I know 'some' (ahem ...harkthewaa ...cough) media folk see this as micro managing a pregnancy that would have made it without all the monitoring and intervention. My boys would have died in Washington at 21wks due to a pre mature delivery brought on by a rapid increase in fluid, I have no doubt. I would do it all over again...I would not 'wait and see'. I know I would not have them.

KSL Story

Deseret News - should be in Tuesday's edition
SL Tribune- should be in Tuesday's edition

If you find one that I have not linked yet, please leave a comment and I will add it.

Why I blog.