
I'm one of those fun moms...

Ya know those moms that run all their errands then surprise their kids with Costco churros and stopping at the park? We did that today because the boys seem to be doing better. Aren't I a good mom? {looking around for approval}

 We get out and all but Miles runs to the play set. Miles runs in the opposite direction to the far playset. Do you chase the 1 or the 3? Do you trust the 2 to watch the 1? Do you yell to the 1 to come back knowing he will just laugh and run? I convinced the 3 (G, K, J) to follow me to Miles. Grace hobbles back with a bloody knee. (we've been here 10 minutes) 

We get to the big set and play about 10 minutes and I see mud all over Kate. I get closer, that's not mud, eww. I send Kate back to stand by the van, chase down Grace, then the boys. (another 10 minute process because it is fun to run from mommy, they don't understand my look of death, and those little stinks are fast.) They have also perfected to stiff/wiggle combo to get out of the arm they are in while being carried across the field.

Grace babysits in the van, at the park, while Kate and I take care of her issue. I go to the van to check the 3 and grab a plastic bag. Kate gets bored, exits the potty, running *free* at the park. How do you chase down a nekked 3 yr old at the park and not either a) laugh b)look like the windowless molester van in the parking lot does NOT belong to you c) give up, get in your van, and cry.(another 10 minutes) 

Sorry if you missed a hour of the Herdmans at Scera! There will not be an encore.


Melissa said...

Wow! You earned a diet mountain dew for that!

Rebecca said...

Do the Dew for SURE!

Rachel said...


Laurene Ross said...

YOu are a freakin Saint!

JAMIE said...

Oh Libby, what a day!

Our Life Version 6.0 said...

You are a fun mom but oh what a day at the park! ((HUGS))

Teri said...

Libby, I love reading your blog. I am always dying laughing. Not at you, with you. I totally understand what your going through, except for the extra 1 year old. :) It's nice to know I am not the only one who, on occasion, regrets being a fun mom.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a day!

Why I blog.