

I'm flattered when people say "she looks just like you". I may be partial but I think she pretty cute. It's the when she acts like me that I fear what people think I am doing to this poor kid . I may have a tendency to panic in the sight of freshly cut {quiver} blood. She may have that same tendency. We're working on it. When she jumped in the van, from kindergarden, she showed me her industrial sized plain bandaid-ed hand I asked her what happened?

G- I got a paper cut.
M- Ouch, did you do ok?
G- Yep, I had to go to the office.
M- Really? Did you say thanks for the bandaid?
G- I forgot.
M- Maybe you can write them a note and take it tomorrow. {anything to get her working on penmanship}
G- Ok. I practiced being calm.
M- What do you mean? {oh crap, please tell me this wasn't a scene situation}
G- I just looked at it and thought "oh no, blood" but I didn't do anything but look at it like this. {dramatic stare}
M- That's good.
G- Mrs. Lee came over and looked at it and said my mom could deal with it and I told her "no way. I needed a bandaid STAT".
M- What did she say to STAT? {biting my tongue}
G- She just said to go to the office.

Most Kindergardeners use the word STAT, right? Mrs Lee should have a blog. I bet it'd be hilarious.


Kimberly T. said...

That's great! I'm so glad you've recorded the conversation. She'll love reading that in a few years or especially when she has her own dramatic kids. She's so cute!

Brossettelewis said...
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Why I blog.