
Grant Brossette Lewis

About 2am, I thought I was having contractions. I called L&D and confessed that this was number five and I wasn't sure if this was really contractions and wondered what they thought. Two tylonol, water, and a shower later I was pretty sure it was. If not, I didn't want to be experiencing this so we were going either way. We packed a little and contracted a lot while Abby was getting there. We left and raced up to St Marks. After going 80 to Lehi, I felt it better to get there faster. Really faster. We called a couple of times when I started feeling like pushing. We got here at 3:55 with a wheel chair waiting. Grant Brossette Lewis was born at 4:11. They checked me at arrival to find I was at a 9 and unable to have ANY, really ANY, drugs. I begged and cried and the nurse told me I gave her a look of death, but we're still friends. I think 3 pushes, one of which broke my water and he was here. He came so fast that he was unable to squeeze out all the fluid so was on a oxygen mask for a little bit He's a perfect little man. He's 7lbs 13ozs, 19 inches, and did I mention perfect. I love him. His skin is so sweet. I'm in love with him.

Rich was amazing, drove like a rockstar, breathed with me to calm me (as much as that was possible), put up with my evil side, crying, maybe yelling, fingernails...who know's... it was kind of intense there for a while. He held him as my body was very tense and was either shaking or jello. I love them and loved seeing their first hour together.

It was an awesome experience. I wanted to do it naturally for the experience, then was positive I changed my mind in route, to find out that nope it's going to happen as planned.

8:51 - the nursery said he needed to warm up after his bath, a 30 minute process but just came back saying his oxygen drops each time they try to remove his mask. :( It may be time for another field trip to the nursery.

9:15 - going to the NICU, :( won't keep his oxygen above 80


Marissa said...

Welcome to the world littlest man!!!

Marc and Megan said...

happy, happy birth day! I love the name Grant!

Helen said...

Welcome, Grant! Love the name! Can't wait to hear about his arrival :)

ej said...

I've been blogging stalking all day, seeing as you never said "2" on FB :)
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! What a handsome little boy, way to go guys!!!!
PS- Libby, you are now a mother of 5. My hat is off :)

Jen said...

Awwww, welcome to the world, Grant! Your brothers and sisters are going to LOVE you!

I'm Just a Silly Girl said...

Conrgat! And Welcome Grant! We are so excited to meet you in person! Glad mommy is doing well. We love you!

Marissa said...

Thanks for the 411! I am so happy for you. You did it med free! You are a rock star. YAY!!!!

Marissa said...

Prayers that he can get that oxygen up soon.

Kimberly T. said...

WOW, what a story! Congratulations! He's absolutely beautiful!

averpen29 said...

Hope his O2 is getting better as I type! Haven't heard an update in a while so hoping that you are sleeping! Question (and it is not meant to alarm, but I worry) have they checked his heart? Heart babies have notoriously low 02...prayers that his lungs just need to dry out!!!!


Sharilyn said...

Congratulations Libby and FAMILY!!! You are such an amazing lady... you need to keep having babies, cuz you've got some seriously cool birth stories! What a wonderful miracle!

Prayers that the oxygen gets in check... Abby had that problem, and after a few days in the NICU, things were fine. Healthy ever since. Prayers it goes the same way for little Grant. Love Ya!

Kim said...

Congratulations! He is adorable! I hope his oxygen comes up soon!

Our Life Version 6.0 said...

I am so excited he's here and you got to do the birth the way you wanted! Way to go!!
Praying for his oxygen.
Love ya!

ej said...

natural (whether you wanted to or not ;) ) makes you a rock star! Hope you get Grant to be with you soon!

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