
Guess who's rockin the NICU sans nasal cannula?

I'll give you a hint. He's the cutest baby in the joint.
I was about to make a "so, happy I could pee my pants" comment but given the circumstances, that's kind of not appropriate. I have bladder control but am super duper excited (but that doesn't really convey my excitement).

Look at those chub cheeks. He's a great eater. I love his expression... kinda reminds me of a little Kate. {Holy cow, if you knew the number of times I have edited this post to be coherent...I have a touch of post partum ADD :P }


Cristy said...

He reminds me of Kate too...Cutie boy!! Get your momma outta there!!

Rebecca said...

I was just going to say he looks a little like Kate too. FUN! What are the requirements from the doc? Do you get to leave at a certain level, or when he stays at that level for a certain amount of time?

Helen said...

Yay Grant!!

Marissa said...

Go Grant! You are right he is a great looking little man. :)

Jen said...


Jill Freestone said...

I suppose that means he's comin' home?
definitely reminds me of kate - very cute!

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