
What have you been up to?

 Umm. I can't remember.

THANKFULLY I have a phone. Otherwise it'd be more of a blur than it is. Phone dump = brain dump. Rich and I were called as Activities Chair in our new ward and we did what I've been afraid to do in the past. We did not have ham! We had a Costco spread and tables prepped for service. We wrote 250+ letters to missionaries, tied 3 quilts, bought Christmas for 5 families, taught people how to index, made bookmarks for the library, and collected food for food banks...and took one picture. Sorry.
 Last week it snowed pretty well and we made an assortment of snow creatures.
 Kate turned 7.
 Manda made her a Brave dress.
 And took us to see her friends.
 She had enough leftovers in the break room to throw Kate a party for one.
Kate had a Brave party and we did all things Brave. Did I mention we got a bow and arrow for her birthday. So far I don't regret it.
 We made "empire biscuits" aka Brave cookies, crafted our goblets and tiaras (and Brave girl streaming ringlets), played games, ate pizzas that looked like targets, drinks with raspberries in it (think the triplets hair), bears, and the best of pinterest's Brave ideas.

 Last night we had a Brossette white elephant party. Kelly got the Dusty Madonna.
 Those are real emotions people. Real. If you are not familiar with the dusky Madonna, think 1950 ceramic, Native American nursing mother, with exposed {stitched so you can't make her modest} D cup. It's hot. 

1 comment:

Jill Freestone said...

I totally want to hear more about the ward party!!

Why I blog.