
Mother's daughter

There are some instances I am not 1000% ready to own it, like oh April 15, 2010  but days like today I'll own her quirks 1000%. Some people know my issue freaking awesome idea use of milk boxes for filing...see the top of the shelves. They hold file folders, cans or pasta for food storage, cloth diapers, pretty much everything perfectly.
Costco has also provided me with another amazing box, the blue spinach box. It's solid. The base is solid. The flaps are on the side so weight to the bottom is distributed to the sides and not through flaps in the base. The dimensions fit the depth of the closet but not the moulding, so it sits on top of allowing for airflow {because I think that's important for something}.
 See the room for airflow? The boys have had these for probably a year because Kate took the dresser when she moved to the basement. They were going to be temporary but I like free, the drawings, ease of use, the fact that I don't care if they get destroyed, the fact they they have climbed them and they haven't fallen apart, & that they have grooves so they stack like legos.
 Plus I've used them everywhere and the kids get it. They know where stuff goes and..... put their own stuff away.
 Now back to why this all matters. Today at Costco Grace spied a spinach box. She got giddy, so much so that the lady in front of us in line was amused at her wavering inability to restrain herself. After patiently waiting she scored three boxes and while I was upstairs getting my pinterest projects, boys destruction projects, Kate's dress repairs done she was in the basement doing this.
 {beaming with pride}
 Here's some close ups of her intricate tags.
Here's one of what I was doing. I added hooks to the hair bow board for all their .  Isn't it awesome? That brown hedgehog bow in the middle... PS: I did the mock-"make a bow tutorial" way before pinterest was even born...was also a pin project.

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