
Grace is awesome

We left Friday to be away for five hours for an open house. Thankfully it was worth the time and was shown to "the standard number" of people "to be considered worthwhile". A contract would be worthwhile, but whatever.  Just keep swimming/showing. Just keep swimming/showing.

That morning we left to get balloons for the signs and I saw a Target cart in the neighborhood. Nice. Since that really ups the resale, I called the store to see what needed to happen to get that picked up.  Their tone sounded like ""umm sure, eventually" not the "totally, we'll be there before 10am when your open house starts" I was looking to get. Grace offered to take it back. She was happy with herself for coming up with the idea so I let her get started while I tied balloons. She made it about a half mile before the cart and driveway dips were more of a pain than what she could handle. She kept at it, determined to do her good deed. We continued, in the van, following her driveway to driveway on Center Street {watching to make sure she didn't get drug into the street.}

What I thought was the "Target cart retrieval people" stopped and said they could take it. Grace was about a quarter mile away but worn out so we said sure. Five teenage boys then hopped out and loaded the cart into a 16 passenger van and finished the job. {They were scouts, scouting for food. Oops.} Once back in the van Grace told me she "liked doing that for them... even when it got hard... because it felt good to help".

She's an awesome little girl.

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