

Hmmm, well jump in and move on right? We {Kelly-20+, Manna-20+, me-20+, Miles-4, James-4, Sam-3, Grant-1 Pai->1} drove to Shreveport, LA to visit {48hrs in Shreveport, over 50 hrs in route} Great Grandma Gigi and the gators. Grandma had surgery soon after we left and they are all doing fine. We make take a while to recover.

 We stained the cabinets, and all the wood for that matter, in the Orem house. We had wanted to do it for years and should have done it much earlier. It looks so much better. Sanding was a beast but the staining was much easier than I had thought...and had scared me from doing it.  Oh well, 2 weeks later it sold.

 Miles and James graduated preschool. Here they are with Miss Shaunell. 
 Here they are with their girlfriend from class. Yes, they chose the same girl. This could get complicated if they continue to do so but for now she's who I would have picked too.
 Blue may not be the best color for frosting at a preschool graduation.
 Kate, James, and Miles joined a Tball team. 
 Kate was awesome at it. The boyos would have done better umm...with less structured. 
 We were homeless for the 4th and did fireworks with Lewis family. We also did lots of fun things, without the camera, and therefore I can't remember them. I do remember several "best day ever" comments. We moved into a home in Lindon and quickly got things in order enough to jump into another Brossette wedding.
We married off Abby {facebook has more pictures}. It was the best southern wedding Lehi and Draper had ever seen. Magnolias, humidity, armadillo cake, and enough Steal Magnolia {& 16 Candles} quotes to make you ill. It was magical.

 We're just going to pretend that four or so months passed, and this one blog post will suffice, because dinner is about an hour late on getting itself started.   

1 comment:

Jill Freestone said...

oh, hooray for selling the house! what fun to have a wedding and a sister married!

and oh, I've missed you!

Why I blog.