
Ballerina Snake Transformers

There's this game where you hide under a blanket and say "Open me" as shrill-ly as you can. It's great! It is an adaptation from a friend's highly addictive game, "What's under this blanket?" (She gets baby dinosaurs). Anyway, it's really fun because you can rip the sheets from your bed and all the folded blankets and drag them all over the house, giggling and begging mom to open you. Did I mention how much I LOVE the game? So, one morning after about an hour of playing versus getting hair done, mom got mad and now hates the game. I still can't figure why?

After someone rips the blanket off you, push the back button, and you mechanically stand up. They have to push your stomach per word, something like " I (push) am (push) a (push) Transformer (push) and (push) I (push) am (push) a (push) Ballerina (push) snake (push). But there is a weak link in her armor, she likes Transformers that are Ballerina snakes. She hates dogs, cats, dolls that cry, princesses, but Ballerina snakes get s rise out of her. So, next time you are at a loss as to how to fill your time, try making...err getting... someone to play "Open me" {squeaaal} and remember Ballerina snakes are a sure deal.

A little pre-NYE-Party mischief... 

And look, everyone in their cute little aprons. Wasn't it mom that wanted a fun little apron for herself? How did everyone else end up with one first?


Kelly said...

how do you push the stomach button for so long without it turning to punches? and, what happens if you don't open them?

Laurene Ross said...

Love the new look! Love the girls in their stylish aprons. Love the Dad in his. Love the blankets all over the house, ...Not! Claire has the same game. Who is teaching these things to our little angels?

Brossettelewis said...

It's actually really hard for it not to turn into punches and if you don't open them the get progressively more annoying and start using MY bed sheets..NOT OK.

I assume they pick it up in Primary. I'd never teach that game to anyone!!

Threeundertwo said...

I think I might be a little scared of snake transformers, but ballerina snake transformers would be ok. hee hee.

Janet said...

Um, sorry about the game! Thankfully, What's Under This Blanket has diminished a bit in popularity at our house. But just the other day, he wanted to be a baby wolf. I guess it made a change from baby dinosaurs....

Why I blog.