
Fiber One

We were added to the TTTS stories on Fetal Hope (bottom left column). I guess this explains the spike (ok little spike but still) in my TTTS purging post. Copyright Schmopyright. I had to remove the IZ music to my TTTS youtube today and nothing else really fits. I guess it's time to start playing with GarageBand.

I tried to explain the Fiber One is for me, as I am trying to lose 15 lbs, and the Cheerios are for them but Kate's body "needs a shape too". Her "body just wasn't being a shape" (picture her squirming to make herself look uncomfortable and begging). I stood strong. I'm the mom. They already ate my Activia to "clean out their bellies", so this is mine. She destroyed the groceries and hung on tight to the box. I'm still not giving her any, they're mine. Plus, she's got a sensitive system as is, Fiber One would kill her.


Andrea said...

Yep, Fiber One definitely not good for the kiddos systems!!

She vaguely reminds me of someone else I know...hmmmm....

Kelly said...

try their peanut butter granola bars and the chocolate pop tarts (for a sweet treat)

FYI : they're included in the albie's sale this week, too, and there's printables online

Marissa said...

I'm laughing so hard. Your kids are clever and witty (I'm so sorry). Her face is classic. Miss you guys.

Anonymous said...

Your kids crack me up!

Kim said...

My little girl loves to eat my Fiber One! I think it's so funny. I have to stop her after one bowl, though, because she would eat it all day if I let her and that would be simply awful! Kids and Fiber One do not mix.

Why I blog.