
ER Kate

We awoke to "Mom, Kate got red medicine on the floor." (7 something am)

Megan's last Poison Control situation prompted me to call. After giving her the details, and her mention of a probable lethal dose (wha' the freak?) we headed to the ER with "possible 125 mil dextromethorphan ingestion" in my head.

It seems Kate is one of those kids that can open child proof Tussin DM. Nice.  From what the bottle was and the bottle is now, not accounting for what was on the carpet, she had overdosed. She was hooked up to monitors for 4 hrs,  a little loopy, drank her weight in apple juice, watched boy cartoons (Cartoon Network) and enamored her nurse.

 Her heart rate is dropping and in a normal yet elevated rate. I doubt she drank the missing 125mil as Poison Control thinks, but she drank more than her body should handle. 

After this and the craisins stabbing, Kate is on heightened watch. My gosh kid


Rebecca said...

I missed the craisin thing. Yikes kid for SURE! I'm glad she's doing well.

Kelly said...

Why Tussin? That's the nastiest of all medicines! Next time tell her to go for the Dimetapp, it tastes better.

Ya know, there are mornings that I wake up and know it's going to be a tough day and I have a Diet Coke for breakfast. Maybe you should show her some options (besides culinary homicide and OD'ing) to dealing with her problems!

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

oh wow, how scary. thank goodness she is ok!

Jen said...

Thank goodness she's going to be okay! And I agree, Robitussin is about as nasty as they come...with the possible exception of yellow triaminic. *shudder*

Kimberly T. said...

Wow, scary! I'm glad she's okay!

Helen said...

I'm so glad she's alright!

Marissa said...

I am glad she is alright and sobering up fine. Poor little middle child. :)

Kelly said...

glad you took your camera - I missed a great shot of the firetruck at Jared's work because I was so thoughtless as I ran outta here to go get him!

P.S. How many kids have worn that Nemo shirt now? At least 5, right?

Kelly said...

P.P.S. Let people know I AM compassionate, joking is just our way of dealing! Jared's boss was very worried that I wasn't flipping out last week - I guess it's a crime to be calm and collected...
And, how long has it said 'K9' in your peeps list?

graceandkate said...

It was from my camera in my phone. i did not grab my camera on the way to the ER. I am a good mother with no intentions of scrap/blogging the misfortune of my child. :P

She chose the shirt for the hospital. I figured if she was gunna die it might as well be in a shirt she likes.

K9 has been there for months. Bwaa haa haa ha.

Dear everyone, K9 is compassionate.

Why I blog.