
NICU D6 8/27


They are just amazing. We went to visit this morning and I fed James and then switched with Cristy so that she could feed Miles. The boys had had their ultrasound but the report had not come back yet. We went back as a family for the 8:30pm feeding as a family. I watched the girls so Rich could go see the boys first. He came back saying that James could come to the window for the girls to see. We hurried over and Daddy held him up for Grace and Kate to see.

The nurse put him to work and he undressed James for weight. Unknowingly James had a dirty diaper, so the nurse helped clean him up. He redressed him and was able to feed him. I went in after he was finished and helped with Miles. Since their room mate still was upset I got to prepare Miles for weight. I undressed him and moved him to the scale, then redressed him. Miles nursed again, I can't believe how easy it comes to him. After 10 minutes of that, he ate 30ml. Since he ate that so fast, I offered him another 20ml and he ate that quickly too. He was so alert and looked around the whole time I was there.

The ultrasound reports came back completely normal. We even both double checked about James's since the whole pregnancy we worried about the fluid on his head. We even asked what Dr Ball thought. He and the doctor who did the ultrasound were happy to report that he had a perfect brain. We keep receiving miracle on top of miracle. These boys are such a example of what faith and prayer can accomplish.

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