
NICU D7 8/28

Manda and I went to the 11:30 feeding. Both boys ate ok, they were kind of sleepy but ate their 50ml. James also nursed for 10 minutes in addition to his bottle feed. Both boys are in open cribs as of last night when Rich and I were there, meaning they can hold their heat (A qualifier to leave NICU). 

They can come home when: They are able to keep their temperature in the normal range without the help of an incubator; They can eat by mouth without the help of a feeding tube; They have a stable respiratory pattern in room air; 

Nurses have been sticking to the 3wk they initially thought but Miles is showing signs of being a little closer than that. Rich went tonight alone after working in SLC and they boys were eating well, keeping their temperature normal, and had stable breathing. 

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